The Carrot Slaw

Carrot Vinaigrette:

500g - Carrot Juice (for carrot reduction)

50g - Carrot Reduction 

2 each - Egg Yolks

20g - Champagne Vinegar

150g -  Olive Oil

5g - water 

To taste - Salt 

Carrot Preparation:

500g - Carrots 

50 g - Chives 

50g- Toasted Pepita Seeds 

To taste salt 


Wash and peel carrots, using a box grater grate carrots using the large section of the grater. Once grated set aside.

Using a knife slice chives as thinly as possible and set aside.

Using a sauce pot bring carrot juice to a roiling boil. Reduce this liquid until it becomes syrup like consistency. Making sure to consistently stir, and scarp down the pectin that forms on the sides (this is all the flavor)

The carrot reduction should resemble molasses and a dark orange color. Once achieved cool to room temperature.

In a mix bowl separate two egg yolks, add 50g of carrot reduction, and vinegar. Whisk together, once fully incorporated slow stream in olive oil to emulsify. Consistency should be thin enough that it coats the back of the spoon but creates ribbons when you pour. If needed add water to thin out vinaigrette to proper consistency.

Season with salt to finish.

To assemble:

Simply mix carrots, chives, pepitas, and carrot vinaigrette to lightly coat carrots. Season with salt. And enjoy!